We believe that being physically active is a habit that needs to be established in the early years itself in a fun play way! MOTTO MOTO promotes physical activity, an active imagination and exciting engagement for the kids. It includes essential gross motor skills, cardio, stretching and strength to get the kids up, moving, jumping, laughing and just simply having FUN while getting stronger and smarter. Give it as much or as little time as you can squeeze in. Play with purpose, fun with flexibility of time.
MOTTO MOTO is a game like no other. One that builds healthy lifestyles today that will last a lifetime ahead.

Founded By
Bizeebuds is a mother's homage to her children and the journey of parenthood which led her to create solutions. We mean it when we say - ‘Powered by research, designed by experts’. Our founder Neelakshi Khurana is not just an advocate of sports and physical literacy amongst kids, she is also a certified Motor Skill Learning Coach from The Motor Skill Learning Academy, Switzerland which is Accredited by the International Organisation of Children’s Active Play and Sports (CAPS). With a strong base of knowledge, experience and passion, Neelakshi is committed to the ‘play with purpose’ philosophy. She’s also running a successful franchise for India’s leading multi-sport program for preschoolers in the city of Vadodara since 2012.